November 2024 Newsletter
Blessings Everyone!
As things are moving quickly through this year of 2024, it’s interesting to see how many people and businesses alike are going straight into the Christmas season and leaving out the very important Thanksgiving season!
I think it is so typical of our times and even humanity itself and we must remind ourselves the importance of being thankful, having a thankful heart and a thankful attitude!
If we aren’t careful, we can focus on things that sidetrack us from some very important issues and values in life like being thankful!
I’m not saying that Christmas isn’t important especially if the real meaning is remembered. I’m saying that the importance of being thankful really cannot be overlooked if we are going to be a God follower!!!
It really is amazing how many times in scripture we are reminded and even commanded to be thankful, such as in Colossians 3:15 which says, “let the God of peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body, you are called to live in peace, and ALWAYS BE THANKFUL!”
Let’s together truly take the time to give God thanks and have a thankful heart for all the blessings that have come our way!
Remember, you are valuable, precious, special and important!!!

October 2024 Newsletter
Blessings Everyone!
As we have been going through this series "Gods Who Compete" we have been looking at many different things and many different areas that constantly compete for our attention. These are things that can readily pull us away from our Heavenly Father who deserves ALL of our attention.
It is easy for us to get so wrapped up in things of the world around us with all the business of life and all of the activity that we experience each and every day!
I think about Revelations 2:4-5, NLT, which says "I have this complaint against you. You don't love me or each other as you did at first! Look how far you've fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first....."
Let's each make the decision to put our heavenly Father first, and keep Him first, in everything we do, say and think! He loves us so much and has only good for each one of us in every area of our lives. He is absolutely good!! We can't lose for winning with Him!
Don’t forget: You are valuable, precious, special and important!!!

September 2024 Newsletter
Hello all!
This month we start a brand-new series called “Gods Who Compete”!
I’m really stoked about this new series as we drill down into the gods in this world that are constantly vying to be first place in our lives. I ask that you prepare your hearts to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you and put His finger on anything that you need to change or do different!
Always remember, God wants to take us higher. He desires to build character in us and set us up for success!
The tough part about this is that sometimes change will require us to re-evaluate our friends base or those having influence on our lives. It is really important to associate with those who are already there where you want to go and are living as a very Christ centered example!
Let’s make the decision to step it up in our listening and obeying as He leads us into a higher place of victory!
Don’t forget: You are valuable, precious, special and important!!!